Word Counter

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  1. Word Counter Online
  2. Plagiarism Checker
  3. Google Docs

Word Counter is a word count and a character count tool. Simply place your cursor into the box and begin typing. Word counter will automatically count the number of words and characters as you type.

Latest version

The Word Counter is a dynamic online tool used for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. Writers leverage it to improve word choice and writing style as well as helping to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. What is Essay Word Counter and how it works? Our online word counter is a perfect tool for those who need to keep a count of their words or characters but don't use Microsoft Word or other text editors. The word counter ensures accurate and instant results. Simply type or copy your text into the window above - words will be counted automatically.

Word Counter Online


Word counter time

A simple Python module to count words in your given text and many more

Project description

A Python Word Counter module


  • Import the module after installation
  • Create a object with sentence and delimiter as arguments to WordCounter class. Default value for delimiter is ‘ ‘ (a single space)
  • Get word count
  • Get count of specific words
  • Get word frequencies

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Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Files for wordcounter, version
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size wordcounter- (3.9 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

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AlgorithmHash digest

Enter (by typing directly or using copy paste) your text and find out how many words and characters it contains.

Why would you need an online word counter?

Plagiarism Checker

Online word counters are a perfect tool for anyone who needs to keep a count of their words and characters, but doesn't use Microsoft Word. Cactus album. Imagine writing a piece and having to manually count the words! Not only will it take forever, but there's a chance you won't be wholly accurate.

This tool is also a good way to assess your words per minute typing rate. Simply time yourself timing for five minutes. Type into the box on the online word counter. When the time is up, divide your total word count by five, and you have your average words per minute rate.

Whom is this word counting tool for?

  • Bloggers/Content Writers

You could be writing an article for someone else where the word count is important, but even if it's for your own site, this tool can be fantastic for your SEO. For example, the body of text should be a minimum of 300 words, and the title should be less than 70 characters to rank effectively.

  • Teachers/Students

Google Docs

As a student, you will often be expected to write assignments with specific word counts. Although a bit of leeway is usually given, if you are well off the count either way, you could lose marks. What a waste of you time and effort! As a lecturer, you can use this tool to ensure your students' assignments are the correct length.


A simple Python module to count words in your given text and many more

Project description

A Python Word Counter module


  • Import the module after installation
  • Create a object with sentence and delimiter as arguments to WordCounter class. Default value for delimiter is ‘ ‘ (a single space)
  • Get word count
  • Get count of specific words
  • Get word frequencies

Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed


Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Files for wordcounter, version
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size wordcounter- (3.9 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for wordcounter-

Hashes for wordcounter-
AlgorithmHash digest

Enter (by typing directly or using copy paste) your text and find out how many words and characters it contains.

Why would you need an online word counter?

Plagiarism Checker

Online word counters are a perfect tool for anyone who needs to keep a count of their words and characters, but doesn't use Microsoft Word. Cactus album. Imagine writing a piece and having to manually count the words! Not only will it take forever, but there's a chance you won't be wholly accurate.

This tool is also a good way to assess your words per minute typing rate. Simply time yourself timing for five minutes. Type into the box on the online word counter. When the time is up, divide your total word count by five, and you have your average words per minute rate.

Whom is this word counting tool for?

  • Bloggers/Content Writers

You could be writing an article for someone else where the word count is important, but even if it's for your own site, this tool can be fantastic for your SEO. For example, the body of text should be a minimum of 300 words, and the title should be less than 70 characters to rank effectively.

  • Teachers/Students

Google Docs

As a student, you will often be expected to write assignments with specific word counts. Although a bit of leeway is usually given, if you are well off the count either way, you could lose marks. What a waste of you time and effort! As a lecturer, you can use this tool to ensure your students' assignments are the correct length.

  • Other Uses

In many work places, you will be expected to write pieces of certain lengths at times, for example, lawyers, secretaries etc.

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